idsgn (a design blog)

Monthly review, Vol. IV

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June 4 2010


  1. (More) web fonts are here!

    Google launches an open source web font directory and teams up with Typekit to release the Google Font API. Monotype announces Web Fonts—adding classic typefaces like Frutiger, Univers, and 7,000 others to the mix—while FontDeck launches its long-awaited service (and there are more to come).

  2. The Cosmic 140

    Information Architects (iA) follow their popular Web Trend Map with Cosmic 140—a visual mapping of the 140 most influential people on Twitter.

  3. Wired on the iPad

    Wired magazine goes live on the Apple iPad selling 24,000 copies in 24 hours. Is it the end of print, or just the ninties all over again?

  4. Saul Bass mashup

    United and Continental Airlines merge (and so do their logos).

  5. Pac-Man turns 30

    Google celebrates, distracting the world from 4.8 million hours of work.

  6. The worst oil spills in history

    Designer Gavin Potenza visualizes the worst spills in our planet’s history.

  7. Atheism rebranded

    SVA graduate Matt Luckhurst gives atheism a much-needed rebranding.

  8. Graphic design in the garden

    Seed packages make better use of photography and illustration as they circle back to their former visual glory.

  9. Say hello to Wenlock and Mandeville

    London introduces Wenlock and Mandeville, the blob-like mascots for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games.

  10. Dodge loses its horns

    Following last year’s Chrysler rebrand, the automaker’s Dodge brand gets a new look—sans Ram.

  11. Lanny Sommese, AIGA Fellow

    idsgn talks with the renowned poster designer and educator.

  12. 48 Hour Magazine

    A crowd-sourced magazine is born (unless CBS has their way).

  13. Man is an island visits the studio of designer, illustrator, and idsgn contributor Chris Rubino in New York.

  14. Airmax1-a-day

    North Carolina-based designer Matt Stevens reinterprets the classic Nike Air Max 1 sneaker everyday for one month, paying tribute to fellow designers and illustrators including Aaron Draplin, Nicholas Felton, and Jessica Hische.

  15. City types

    Designers around the world represent their city in typography.

  16. What font is your mustache?

    Baskerville or Hoefler? What font is your mustache?

  17. Quaker loves life with Archer

    Another American brand adopts the popular Archer typeface by H&FJ.

  18. A Book Apart

    A List Apart launches A Book Apart, starting with an HTML5 primer.

  19. Seattle’s Best

    Starbucks make radical changes to their Seattle’s Best brand.

  20. Got a Mac

    Apple says goodbye to the ‘campaign of the decade’ as they top Microsoft.

  21. Tiny Fluid Grid

    The folks at Girlfriend make it easy for web designers to build fluid grids.

  22. Congratulations Swiss Miss

    Design blog Swiss Miss celebrates 5 years. Congrats to our friend Tina!

Also see:

Filed under: design

By Skylar Challand
