idsgn (a design blog)

Monthly review, Vol. XVII

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July 6 2011


  1. Power in color

    Color-loving Brooklyn designer Jessi Arrington gives a short TED talk on the power of color and the benefits of wearing nothing new.

  2. Designer as hoarder

    Recovering hoarder Steven Heller on what to do with ‘design stuff.’

  3. From 0 to 255

    0to255 helps designers find variations of any RGB color.

  4. Calendar of the month

    Summer is here and Curiosity has a crafty 3D calendar to celebrate.

  5. The Vinyl Frontier

    Now on DVD, a documentary film exploring the world of vinyl toys.

  6. Newswordy

    From the team behind idsgn comes Newswordy, a daily collection of news media buzzwords and their meaning.

  7. Design at MoMA

    The talented in-house design team at the Museum of Modern Art launch a website to showcase their work.

  8. Wyman to redesign Metro map

    After more than 30 years, the Washington Metro map is being redesigned by Lance Wyman, its original creator.

  9. Magazine covers go white

    SPD rounds up a collection of (mostly) white magazine covers.

  10. Currency erotica

    Canada announces transparent polymer bank notes.

  11. New York in color

    Every five minutes NSKYC captures an image of the New York skyline and calculates an average color, creating a living color palette.

  12. Running Alphabet

    Designer and runner Joan Pons Moll creates letterforms with his feet.

  13. As Little Design as Possible

    September Industry takes us inside a new Phaidon book on Dieter Rams.

  14. Dieter Rams design archive

    Meanwhile Phaidon gives us a glimpse of his never-before-seen archive.

  15. Keep calm

    Thomas Wilder uncovers the history of the ubiquitous wartime posters.

  16. Typography Insight

    New ways of learning and teaching typefaces on the iPad.

  17. I.D. reincarnated

    The defunct I.D. magazine has been reincarnated into an online gallery.

  18. The personal touch

    The New York Times on the personal touch of script logos.

  19. The Linotype celebrates 125

    Excerpts from the upcoming Linotype: The Film mark the occasion.

  20. Brand Reversions

    In Brand Reversions, UK designer Graham Smith takes popular brands and gives them a split-personality makeover in the style of a competing brand.

Also see:

Filed under: design

By Skylar Challand
