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Infographics for dinner

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July 17 2009

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Do you know where your food comes from? “It’s Time for Real” is an animated spot for a new campaign out of Canada urging people to “Eat Real, Eat Local.”

Created by Crush and directed by Steve Gordon, the goal was to create something “part table top, part graphics and part documentary.” The spot makes use of animated infographics cleverly overlaid on a ‘typical’ family dinner to make a point about the effects of food importation on everything from the economy to the environment. As Information Aesthetics points outs, while the message is targeted for Canadians, it certainly applies universally.

We have done other interactive pieces, but this was far and away the biggest single project. For a start, it’s nearly three minutes long, involved a twenty hour shoot with two sets of stop frame animation, a month of CG pre viz where we literally built every shot in CG ahead of time so that everyone could be a part of the process…

We all found the statistics pretty eye opening. I think everyone involved changed the way we buy our food.

-Gary Thomas, Creative Director of Crush, from Glossy

Strangely though, the spot is part of a campaign coming from Hellmann’s, the multi-national mayonnaise brand owned by Unilever. A brand which does not seem to align with the campaign's ‘eat local’ message one bit. Are they telling us to start making our own fresh mayonnaise locally at home?

Regardless, the video is wonderful and the content is a real eye-opener.


via Information Aesthetics

Filed under: infographics

By Skylar Challand
