idsgn (a design blog)

The Fun Theory

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October 16 2009

The Fun Theory

How can you encourage people to recycle more? A new campaign from Volkswagen says: make it fun.

With the notion “fun is the easiest way to change people’s behavior for the better,” The Fun Theory is a campaign by ad agency DDB Stockholm for Volkswagen Sweden that has people opting to do good in a series of public experiments. Its most recent turns an ordinary recycling bin into a “Bottle Bank Arcade,” giving people points and making a typically mundane task seem more like a video game.

Over one evening, our bottle bank arcade was used by nearly one hundred people… During the same period, the nearby conventional bottle bank was used twice.

In another experiment, a set of stairs in a Stockholm subway station was turned into a larger-than-life piano to see if people would take them over an adjacent escalator:

But its only a start, Volkswagen wants you to get involved and think of a way to improve things. A competition is open to all until November 15th, with the best entry winning €2500 and the top 10 entries going on display in Stockholm this winter.

See more experiments at

Filed under: advertising

By Skylar Challand
